Thursday, July 7, 2011

Practical Passion

We talk a lot about passion these days.   No matter who you are or what you do, you're not doing it right if you are not passionate about it.  Athletes are passionate about winning.  Musicians are passionate about melody.  I suppose when you are an athlete or a musician it's easy to be passionate, not so much if you are an insurance agent.  I don't think I have ever heard my agent tell me "Doug, I am passionate about providing you with the best liability coverage on your 2001 Chevy Pickup!"

Passion was a big motivator for me entering the workforce after college.  I knew I had to do something other than what was expected.  I was not going to wear a suit, I was not going to sit at a desk, and I was absolutely not going to sell.  I wanted to be passionate about what I did and the thing I was passionate about was radio.

I chose sports broadcasting because in a fun profession, it seemed like the most fun you could have.  My goal was to live to work, not work to live.  I don't regret chasing the radio dream.  I have been working in sports broadcasting either full-time or freelance for almost 20 years.  I have had some unbelievable experiences like kissing the Stanley Cup, seeing New York, San Francisco, and even Philadelphia at the Vet on a Monday night when the Cowboys are in town.  I have been approached by total strangers who knew more about me than my own family.  Weird, but kinda cool.  I have also dealt with the downside of the broadcasting biz. The budget cuts, the ratings that just weren't good enough, the politics.  My "passion" for broadcasting took an early toll on my relationship with my wife because I was too proud to go find regular work after getting let go from my dream job.  All in all I have been blessed.  But when you are talking about choices, I could have made some better ones.

I often get the opportunity to talk to young sportscasters just starting out or thinking about a career in the business.  So many times when these youngsters talk to a jaded veteran they get the "Run Kid Run" speech, the one that tells them how tough this business is, how unfair. They are told if they have a brain in their head they will forget about broadcasting and get a nice accounting job or spend some extra time in school and become a lawyer.  I have never endorsed that line of thinking and I never will.  If this is truly what you feel led to do, then by all means do it!  Do what you are passionate about....but.

This is part I wish someone had told me, or maybe they did and what I really wish is that I would have listened.  Passion is great, it builds rockets, it moves the world forward, but being practical is what keeps food on your table and insanity off your front porch.  Who says you can't do something your passionate about, but treat it like what it is, a business?  When you get into broadcasting, the people you work with may be dreamers, but the people  you work FOR are not.  They are about the business. You should be too.  Keep improving yourself, marketing yourself, and connecting yourself so that God Forbid if the pink slip hits your desk, you are ready to move on and not sit shell shocked in your apartment for six months.

Another thing, if you play for a profession, you need to be professional in private. What I mean by that is even though you are young, making money, and living large, don't dismiss the importance of saving, budgeting, and being prepared.  I know I probably sound like your dad but dude, seriously, if there is one thing I wish I had been passionate about in my twenties, its saving and budgeting.  Money can grow, but it takes time...start now.  Make a reasonable budget and stick to it.  There are so many things we just assume we will always count among our monthly expenses like car payments and credit doesn't have to be that  way.  Some people get rich in broadcasting, but not many.  The good news is, if you do these things, it won't matter, your small salary will serve you just fine.

Just some things to think about.  We are talking about passions and one of mine is helping young broadcasters get better.  Seeing you succeed in this business is exciting.  Seeing you be successful in life is a calling.  I hope you are encouraged.  God Bless.


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